WTI Wissen­schaft­lich-Tech­nische In­ge­nieur­beratung GmbH

The en­gi­nee­ring com­pa­ny WTI with its head­quar­ter in Jü­lich is a sub­si­dia­ry of GNS and spe­cia­lised in nu­cle­ar en­gi­nee­ring. Share­hol­ders of the pa­rent com­pany GNS Ge­sell­schaft für Nuk­lear-Ser­vice mbH in Essen are the four major Ger­man nu­cle­ar power plant ope­rators (PreussenElektra GmbH, RWE Power AG, SNE GmbH, Vattenfall Europe GmbH).

A team of ex­pe­ri­en­ced sci­en­tists and well-skilled en­gi­neers enables WTI to realise a wide range of en­gi­neering ser­vi­ces in the nu­cle­ar field with ex­pe­ri­ence of more than 40 years. 
WTI per­forms plan­ning and en­gi­nee­ring ser­vi­ces in the fol­lo­wing areas:

  • Plan­ning and con­struc­tion of plants
  • Decom­mission­ing plan­ning
  • Safety ana­lyses and appli­ca­tion do­cu­ments for li­cen­sing pro­ce­dures
  • Nuclear waste management (waste disposal, develop­ment of packaging docu­men­tation)
  • Calculations (shielding, criticality, thermodynamics, mechanics)
  • Development of calculation procedures and methods

The WTI head of­fice is lo­ca­ted in the cent­re of the tech­no­lo­gy re­gion Aachen-Cologne. The Re­search Cent­re Jü­lich and the Tech­no­lo­gy Cent­re Jü­lich are direct neigh­bours. The uni­ver­si­ties of Cologne, Bonn, Düs­sel­dorf and Aachen as well as the uni­ver­si­ties of applied sci­en­ces of Jülich, Aachen and Cologne are nearby. Even the Maastricht Uni­ver­si­ty (The Ne­ther­lands) and the Lüttich Uni­ver­si­ty (Belgium) are not far away.

Loa­ding of a trans­port and sto­rage cask based on the loa­ding pattern planned by WTI

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